Now, stream content on your phone or tablet on AI’s old wide body aircraft, |

Now, stream content on your phone or tablet on AI’s old wide body aircraft, |

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NEW DELHI: Taking a cue from Vistara, Air India has found a fix to the problem of non-functional back-of-the-seat inflight entertainment (IFE) systems on its old wide body aircraft. The airline will now stream content on the old wide bodies (Boeing 777s and 787s) which passengers will be able to view on their personal electronic devices. The newly inducted twin aisle Airbus A330s and B777s will not have this as they have functional IFE systems. AI’s old B777 & 787s will have the wireless IFE, Vista, till their retrofit is complete.“AI recently launched its wireless IFE service, Vista , across the existing wide-body fleet to provide customers with uninterrupted entertainment until the retrofit. Following this, Vista will also be available on narrow-body aircraft. Powered by Bluebox, a digital services provider, Vista is being deployed on Bluebox’s Blueview digital services platform and delivered to customers via the Bluebox Wow wireless network system,” AI said in a statement.Vista will enable passengers to stream content — ranging from movies, movies to live maps — on their personal electronic devices. AI chief customer experience officer Rajesh Dogra said: “At Air India, we are continuously striving to anticipate and meet the evolving needs of our modern travellers. We are pleased to introduce Vista, a new feature for our customers. It allows seamless integration of personal devices, enhancing the overall travel experience for our customers.”AI says its Vista content library features over 950 hours of entertainment across formats and genres includes classic melodies, timeless favourites, BAFTA and Oscar-winning/nominated titles, short films, acclaimed series, and specially curated content for children, a diverse range of options customised periodically.

Published On Aug 21, 2024 at 08:00 PM IST

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