Fl Technics Indonesia Gets Approval from Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Fl Technics Indonesia Gets Approval from Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority

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The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority Has Given Its Approval for Fl Technics Indonesia to Deliver Various Aviation Maintenance Services.

The company is now authorized to deliver a comprehensive range of aviation maintenance services at bot I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali and Soekarno -hata International Airport in Jakarta.

The Approval Underscores Fl Technics Indonesia’s Commitment to Supporting The Continued Growth and Development of the Aviation Sector, Particularly in Bali which has grown Over the Past Fwn Over Al Air Travel.

Fl Technics Indonesia Chief Executive Martynas Grigas Said: “Receiving casa approval is a Pivotal Moment for Fl Technics Indonesia, as it not only Strengthens Our ability to provide compe ES for Boeing 737s (Classic, NG, and Max) and Airbus Ceo and Neo Models at Both DPS and CGK, but also supports indonesia’s broader goals for tourism and aviation. “

Grigas added that the approval is in alignment with the indonesian government’s ongoing drive to boost the country’s tourist Industry.

He Said: “Our expanded capabilitys will help ensure a safe and efficient travel experience for visitors to bali.”

A Necessary Team for a Booming Global Hub

As Bali is one of the world’s leading tropical destinations, it receives more than 250 flights from Major Australian Cities A Week, Roughly 40 Flights a Day.

This Growing Demand for Air Travel Between Australia and Bali underscores the importance of reliable aviation services.

By receiving casa approval, fl technics indonesia is poised to support this demand, ensuring safe travel for tourists and Bolstering the Island’s Tourism Industry.

As the first company to offer extensive aviation Maintenance Services in Bali, Fl Technics Indonesia leads the way in meeting the growing needs of airlines operating in the region.

This Approval Enables The Company to Offer Critical Maintenance Services, Playing An Important Role in Mainting The Safety and Relability of AirCraft Flying INTO BALI, which has a positive one Cal Economy and the Broader Aviation Sector in Indonesia.

The post Fl Technics Indonesia Gets Approval from Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority appeared appeared first on Travel Daily Media.

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