
Types Of Hotel Rooms: A Complete Guide

Types Of Hotel Rooms: A Complete Guide

Types Of Hotel Rooms: A Complete GuideAs a hotelier, you must be confused - “Which type of rooms does my hotel have?”, “Which type of rooms should my hotel offer”. This is a question many guests have as well. The hotel industry is one of the most popular offerings of the hospitality industry, however, both the business owners and the customers are confused regarding the various types of hotel...

Major Departments In Hotels: The Backbone Of Hospitality

Major Departments In Hotels: The Backbone Of Hospitality

Major Departments In Hotels: The Backbone Of HospitalityThe hotel industry is one of the most competitive, fascinating and crucial industries. People want to relax, go to work, and enjoy a vacation. Hotels are an establishment that caters to these needs. The hospitality industry is cut-throat, meaning that any slightest mistake on their part can lead to the closure of business. There are many...

Hotel Dynamic Pricing: You Can Nail It!

Hotel Dynamic Pricing: You Can Nail It!

Hotel Dynamic Pricing: You Can Nail It!Hotel pricing strategies are one of the most important components of hotel revenue strategies. Pricing is influenced by demand and supply, and in turn, also influences the demand for hotels. Hotels either use static or dynamic pricing. Before we understand how we can implement hotel dynamic pricing, we need to first understand the concept. Hoteliers have heard...

The Best OTAs For Hotels

The Best OTAs For Hotels

The Best OTAs For Hotels - Make The Most Out Of Them! OTAs have become an integral part of hotel bookings. Yes, you have to pay a commission, and you also have to follow their terms, conditions and policies. But they are necessary for hotels, especially those that don’t have a hotel website or those hotels whose website is not sufficient enough to be a major source of hotel revenue. That’s why we...

Respond To Hotel Reviews Professionally From 5-Star to 1-Star: A Complete Guide

Respond To Hotel Reviews Professionally From 5 Star to 1 Star: A Complete Guide There is this saying that - “You cannot make everyone happy”. However, in the hospitality industry, you have to make everyone happy. This is one of the most challenging aspects of managing a hotel. The guests are unpredictable. They will either be in love with your property to rate it 5-star or will hate it enough to...

The Hotel Star Rating System

A Detailed Guide To Hotel Star Rating System As they say, we have to shoot for the stars! It is especially true in the hospitality industry, For guests, choosing a hotel is a task. There are so many properties, with different types, budgets, amenities, and more. Hence, it becomes important to classify them so that the customers know what are they exactly going to get for their money. One such type of...

Want To Increase The Average Length Of Stay?

Increase Average Length Of Stay? - Let Us Explain How You Can Do It!“What does average length of stay even means?” You must be thinking to yourself after reading the title. In the hospitality industry, there are various terms that one may not know at the moment. However, you will need to be familiarized with the terms ASAP. Before we discuss how to increase the average length of hotels, one needs to...

How To Do Hotel Budgeting

How To Do Hotel Budgeting - Let’s Crack It!Budget - the word that makes the world go round! And for good reasons. The simple truth of life is that we all need money to do anything - personal or business. In the hospitality industry, cash is everything. Hotel budgeting is essential to manage expenses and increasing profitability. Hoteliers need to incur various costs to run a hotel. There are various...

Want To Make Your Hotel Family Friendly? Follow These Steps!

Want To Make Your Hotel Family Friendly? Follow These Steps!

Want To Make Your Hotel Family Friendly? Follow These Steps! Every guest wants a hotel that fulfils all their needs - business, couple-friendly, family-friendly and so forth. Of course, not every hotel can meet all these needs at once. That’s why hoteliers should decide which segment is their primary and which is secondary. We all talk about couple-friendly hotels or business hotels. However, there is...

Want To Know About Hotel Yield Management? Hear Us Out!

Want To Know About Hotel Yield Management? Hear Us Out!

Want To Know About Hotel Yield Management? Hear Us Out! We suppose that you have been reading our blogs for a long time. In course of time, you must have become familiar with various concepts like hotel revenue management, RevPAR, hotel occupancy, channel management, reputation management etc. However, there is another crucial concept we need to discuss - hotel yield management. “What Is Hotel Yield...

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