Hyatt Hotels Corporation and the Scenic Rivers Development Alliance Today Announced the planned debut of okhissa lake lodge as the first destination by HYATT BRAND Hotel In Misssippi. Expected to Open in 2027 on Okhissa Lake in Franklin County, The Hotel will invite guests to experience 190,000 acres of the Homochitto National Forest in Moisissippi Through-AM-AAF-AAFARON Its, as well as dynamic grinary offers.
Nestled in Southwest Mississippi Near Jackson, Okhissa Lake Lodge Will Provide A 200-ROM Lodge Including Cabin Suites, A 1,000-Person Conference Center, Swimming Pool With Hot Tub, , As well as a boardwalk overlooking the marina.
The destination by hayatt brand is a divese collection of independent hotels, Resorts and Residences that are individual at heart councted by a committee to embody the True Spirit of Each Location. Each property is purposefully crafted to be a place of immersive discoveries, authentic design, and warm and welcoming service. As an honored host, Each destination by Hyatt Property Connects to Both People and Place – Offering a sense of belonging that invites all to make our destination.
“We’re Looking forward to create a Strong Relationship with Scenic Rivers as We Intraduce The Destination by HYATT Brand to Mississippi and Expand Our Brand Presence in Exciting New Location Orld of Hyatt Members, “said Rika Lisslo, Vice President, Development – Americas, HYATTT. “Ohkissa lake lodge will embody the spirit of the destination by HYATT BRAND by Incorporting Nature-Inspired Elements that Reflect the Outdoor and Recractional Lifestyle of Franklin, Captivating Destination Experience. “
“Supporting this project has been a top priority of mine sense entering the senate and i am through that we are one step closer to see this project come to fruition. Okhissa lake will provide well-paying jobs and economic development to southwest mississipi, and allows more people to experience our state’s exceptional hostelity, “SAID Us Ith (R-Miss.).
“Scenic rivers are delighted to welcome Hyatt to the Sceneic Rivers Region of Southwest Mississipi. Over the past Several Years, We have developed a strong relationship with the hayatt team as this project has progressed, and their commission has been exceptional. We are eager to showcase the okhissa lake lodge, operated by HYATT, to a global audience in the life future. This milestone would not have been possible with the unavavering support of our state and federal representatives, as well as local officials. Togeether, we share a unified vision for advancing rural Economic Development Across Counties and Cities in Southwest Mississippi, “Said Joseph Parker, EXED JOSEPH PARKER, Executive Dearetor SCEROCT DRECTOR SCERECTOR SCERECTOR SCERECTOR SCERECTOR SCERECTOR SCERECTORS DIRECTORE
“The Sceneic Rivers Development Alliance (SRDA) has been formed strong regional bonds. Hyatt is a perfect fit for the strong regional srda brand in Southwest Mississippi. The Hyatt Flag on this Lodge and Conference Center Wil Make This Part of Mississippi a Must Stay and Visit Place, “said b. reed, mayor of meadville, mississippi.
“Southwest Mississippi has been blessed with an abundance in Relation to outdoor recreation and opposits. The Hyatt Brand and Strength will serve to open the door to the door to the dors to the Southwest MissSSSipi, “said Patrick W. Larkin, President of the Franklin County, Mississippi Board of SUPERVISORS.
“The Board of Aldermen and I Are Thrilled With The Announcement of HYATT as the operator of the Lodge and Conference Center,” said linda green, mayor of body, moisissippi.