Capital A, Airasia X Extend Deadline for Disposal of Airasia Aviation Group

Capital A, Airasia X Extend Deadline for Disposal of Airasia Aviation Group

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Capital A Berhad Announced that it has been agreed with airasia x berhad (Aax) to extend the cut-off dates for the completes of the proposed disposal of airasia aaagl (aaagl) X.

The announsement was made on Monday, 27th January.

The timeline has been extended by two months, from 25 january to 24 March, allowing both parties additional time to finalize the transaction for aaagl and aab. Notably, all due diligence for both entities have alredy been successfully complete.

This extension ensures that bot parties have adequate time to fullfill the necessary conditions and finalize the transaction.

All other terms and conditions of the sspas remain unchanged.

Considerable Progress

Capital a Chief Executive Tony Fernandes Said: “We are encouraged by the program we’ve made, and remain committed to ensuring even is the right on tracker. This extension provides the time needed to finalize all aspects of the transaction with precision, including obtaining consent from the lessors, which is primarily don, Receiving the Earliest Date from the Earliest Date from . Once the court approves the arrangement, we will swiftly move to complete the placement, which is alredy in advanced discussions. “

With key milestones already achieved, including complete IES are now in the Final Stage of Negotiations.

Fernandes Added: “Upon Completion, this transaction will result in a Stronger, Globally Competitive AIRASIA, Leverapping Synergies Between Short-Hul and Long-Honor ShareHolder returns. It will also also enhance Connectivity and Customer Experience for Our Guests. This Move Unlocks Significant Growth Opportunities, As It Aligns with Capital A’s Browder Strategy to Lead in the Digital Aviation and Services Space. Capital a is looking forward to accelerating the growth of our technology-driven aviation services and digital ecosystem, particularly in response to the anticipated global Rise in Travel Demand. “

The post capital a, airasia x extended deadline for disposal of airasia aviation group appeared first on travel daily media.

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